I want to share a interesting game, which I have built, to each of you.
I am not sure that if any game has been given by any case, which is similar to it. So, I names the game is ELQ. It stands for explaining levels question.
To descript ELQ is easy and terrible. Any explaining subject names the original level, or 0th level. Some of the words or models, which are not in the 0th level, would be used when the subject is explained. This part names the 1st level. However, the 1st part maybe still needs to explain. It makes more words or models join in the explaining, and built up the 2nd explaining level. This cycle can run again by again.
What will happen when this cycle is running?
I think that makes a simple question bigger and bigger. Finally, it can be three possibility results:
An endless loop
Openness expand
Stay one of simplest points
I have had lots of beautiful ideas, when I played this game. I will share these ideas to each you later.